Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Back in action!

Apparently, wearing nothing but high-heel shoes for years and years can shorten your tendons in your feet. Huh. Who knew.

Then I was at Kohl's to purchase some flat shoes for work (the only flat shoes I owned prior to this are my new running shoes), and I was looking at framed art and dropped one on my toe. I am pretty sure it's broken. But I walked two miles yesterday and it doesn't hurt any more than it did BEFORE I walked, so yay!

Tonight I have another fundraising meeting. Our fundraising ideas so far are all chick-related. One is going to be a spa-day fundraiser. Let me know if you're interested!

Not much more to report this week, except for the fact that I am no longer resting my ankle, but stretching and strengthening my tendons.

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