Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Back in action!

Apparently, wearing nothing but high-heel shoes for years and years can shorten your tendons in your feet. Huh. Who knew.

Then I was at Kohl's to purchase some flat shoes for work (the only flat shoes I owned prior to this are my new running shoes), and I was looking at framed art and dropped one on my toe. I am pretty sure it's broken. But I walked two miles yesterday and it doesn't hurt any more than it did BEFORE I walked, so yay!

Tonight I have another fundraising meeting. Our fundraising ideas so far are all chick-related. One is going to be a spa-day fundraiser. Let me know if you're interested!

Not much more to report this week, except for the fact that I am no longer resting my ankle, but stretching and strengthening my tendons.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Week 3 = ARGH!

So I had a little setback with my training.

A little background music:
  1. Last year, I had a really bad ankle sprain resulting from falling off my shoe. Seriously. I stepped into a dip at the miniature golf course, and I rolled my ankle. I wasn't really wearing "appropriate footwear" for miniature golf, let's just say. So I had to wear a brace while my tendons healed.
  2. I wanted to walk the full marathon, but the Detroit Free Press marathon peeps are discouraging that because it will take too long. So I decided to add running to my training so I could either run/walk the full, or run the half.
So, with those two things in mind, I went to Saturday's team training with hopes of doing some running. I had been adding a little bit of jogging to my weekday walks, but I was ready to just GO FOR IT! GO TEAM! GO DANA!!

I did it by myself for a while. I was training with Coach Tammy and the walk team, but Coach Sue said I could run a little, and she'd come find me. I was doing pretty good on my own. Coach Sue found me and gave me some pointers on running. I learned how to run softly and focus on my pace. It was way easier than what I had been doing on my own. So we ran.

I started to get a pain in my left ankle, but I said, "well, I know this will hurt a little because I have never done it before." Then the pain spread up my shin, and Coach Sue said I should walk. Walking didn't hurt. And I was able to run a little bit more without it hurting too much.

Saturday night, it was sore, but I put on my 3 inch heels and went dancing. Sunday, I put on my tennies and went to Ann Arbor with my son for the Taste of Ann Arbor festival. Ankle was sore again, so I iced it. I tried to run last night, and it hurt a lot. Today, the top of my foot is swollen and bruised. I have NO clue what is going on. I iced it again, and have a wrap on it, but I'm working and have to walk all over. I hope it is going to get better. It only hurts when I run. Walking fast doesn't hurt.

OR... maybe I'm a big wuss.