Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So I haven't blogged since... JUNE?? Holy moly.

Okay, so I haven't been motivated to train as much as I was motivated at the beginning... I have been completely slacking on my mid-week trainings. But I'm still doing my weekend trainings, and they are still tolerable, even if I whine like a kindergartner the whole time.

A couple of weeks ago, we trained at Kensington Metropark. We had to 8 miles for the half marathon training. It was a beautiful course, and we found a baby chinchilla or something similar on the sidewalk. I wanted to take it home with me, but I'm sure my cat would've eaten it. It was soooooo cute. At one point, Jaycee and I thought we were lost, but we managed to make it back to base without dying.

I also wanted to talk about my fundraising debacle.

I was so excited about my acoustic jam fundraiser that was scheduled for August. I had it planned for Hamlin Pub in Clarkston, and the manager there was bending over backwards to help me make it a success. My dear friend Roy Caldwell had signed on to play for the event. A few weeks prior to the event, the manager calls and says that Roy will not be able to start playing music until 9:00 pm. My event was advertised for 7:00. I tried to not get upset, and figured we could have dinner, schmooze a little, and do the raffle. No big.

Then she calls me the following week and says that the corporate office has booked someone OTHER than Roy for the night, whoops, sorry. So I (of course) got REALLY upset and Roy tried to console me that the other band was radio-station sponsored and would draw a bigger crowd, blah blah blah. FINE.

THEN (oh yeah there is more), she calls me THE DAY of my event to tell me that I can't have a raffle. She tells me that she already told me this (although she said she had raffle tickets to give me? for what?) , and was pretty nasty to me when I got ticked off about it. So I had a thousand dollars worth of raffle prizes that had been donated to me from various authors, artists, and friends that basically I still have.

The event wasn't a complete dud, and I was supported by some good friends, my team, and my honored hero's family.

On the positive, though, the Pamper Me fundraiser with my team was a rousing success, and everyone had a great time!

I need to squeeze 10 miles in this week. Woo!